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  • Primary PE and Sports Premium

    'Primary PE and Sport Premium 2023-2024'

    What is the Sports Premium?

    The government is providing funding of £150 million per annum  to provide new and substantial primary school sport funding. The funding is being jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, and will see money going directly to Primary School Headteachers to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children. Each school will receive £8,000 plus an extra £5 per pupil each year for the next two years. The money can only be spent on sport and PE provision in schools.

    At St Paul's, we are using our money to fund PE specialists to come into school and work with not just the children but the staff as well.  We hope that by doing this, the children gain in stamina, strength and health as well as experiencing a broad range of activities.  We also hope that the teachers who work with the specialists gain lots of insight into how to improve their own teaching of PE for the future.

    Ask your child about their PE and what they have been up to.  Maybe you could both do some activities together!  If you would like further details of the PE in school, please ask your child's teacher.

    Purpose of the funding

    Schools must spend the funding on improving their provision of PE and sport though how they do this is their decision.

    This is how  we at St Paul's are using the funding:

    • Hiring specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work with primary teachers and children when teaching PE.
    • Competitive school sports with our WOWS partnership schools
    • Meet with our WOWS school partners and share effective practice
    • Providing training opportunities for teachers to increase subject knowledge.
    • Providing a range of sporting activities and places for pupils during before and after school sports clubs with preference given to FSM6 and CLA children
    • Providing a HHHS PE specialist to promote practice of gross motor skills and balance for some of our SEN children.
    • Provide children with opportunities to learn about how to have a healthy lifestyle.

    Each teacher will take part in a terms training with Specialist PE coaches to ensure PE teaching is at the highest level.  The teachers will observe high quality lessons, plan lessons with a specialist coach and then teach lessons in which the specialist coach will provide feedback. 

    Below is our report to Governors showing the impact our sports premium funding has had on our school as well as our school action plans.

     Physical education, experienced in a safe and supportive environment, is a vital contribution to a child’s physical development and well-being. Our P.E. programme is based on progressive learning objectives which, combined with a variety of teaching styles, creates enjoyable, challenging and appropriate activities for all pupils. Children take part in swimming lessons in Year 3. To ensure quality first teaching of P.E, we employ the services of W.L.C.T. to deliver one hour of P.E. to each class per week. These professional sports coaches work collaboratively with the school teaching staff to further develop their knowledge and understanding of the subject. It is important that P.E. is seen as a way of life rather than just a lesson in school, so we provide a number of before and after school activities to allow children to take part in organised sports. Our Year five children act as playleaders at lunchtime, providing organised physical activities for the other children. We have recently obtained the Sainsbury’s bronze award for the provision of P.E. and are eager to gain our silver award. To involve the children in their learning, we have selected a Sports Council to allow the children an input as to how physical exercise is delivered in our school.