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  • Year 5

    22 November

    The children this week have enjoyed a practical lesson in Science where they launched parachute that they had created using different materials. This was to test air resistance. In Maths, we have been using timelines to read tables and work out the hours and minutes in-between certain times. In RE, we have reflected on Jesus' flight to Egypt where he became a refugee. In Geography we have been learning about the impact of the Vikings on the city of York. Tomorrow, we are looking forward to a question and answer session with our local MP. 

    15th November

    This week the children have learnt about the genealogy of Jesus and why different gospel writer's write for specific audiences in RE. In Science, we have been investigating air resistance and next week we are going to be launching parachutes to tests the impact of different materials. As it has been anti- bullying week, we have discussed what is meant by bullying and the impact this can have on our lives. It is also interfaith week this week, so we have discussed a number of faith communities that represent Wigan. We were also lucky enough to have a photographer in for Year 5 children as they have received personalised messages from the local MP in response to their concerns over community cohesion- do look out for this in the papers! Finally I am very proud of Year 5 performing in the annual Remembrance Service- they treated this service with the poise and dignity it deserved- they are a credit to our school.  Thanks Ms Lalsing

    8th November

    The children this week have been working really hard on a variety of Topics. We have completed a character description in English and have learnt about Isaac Newton in science. We also investigated whether the mass of an object impacts its gravitational force. We have been focussing on division this week and are getting better at using the different methods. We have learnt about developing relationships in PSHE and in particular having kind conversations. Well done to those children who have made excellent progress in swimming this week. Finally, we have had several letters from our local MP who was very impressed with the children's learning. Some of your children will be coming home with a personalised letter from him- he will also be coming into school at some point over the next few weeks to talk to us about social issues in our local area. We are looking forward to sharing our Remembrance Service with you  on Monday- again the children have worked very hard on this and are excited to share what they have learnt. A message will be sent out shortly. Thanks Ms Lalsing

    1st November

    The children have settled well into the Year 5 curriculum after half term. Many thanks for the solar system projects that have been brought back. A prize will be given to the best one next week. This week, we have been learning about Rosa Parks in PSHE for Black History month. We have also started a topic on different continents in the world in geography and Forces and movement in Science. The children discovered the similarities and differences of the nativity story in Mathew's and Luke's gospels also as they investigated the bible. We are looking forward to also learning about Divali (which is happening this week for our Hindu families). Oh and finally, the children are excited as they has received a letter from the Prime Minister discussing our issue of racial injustice in light of Black history Month.(This can be viewed under School Office- Downing Street Correspondence) Many thanks for your continued support with the reading at home which should be daily. Ms Lalsing

    18th October

    It was lovely to meet with a number of you this week in our Year 5 'Meet the Teacher' sessions. This week, the children have 'wowed' me with their vocabulary and descriptive language whilst writing up their extended writing exploration narratives. We have also been learning different methods to add and subract large numbers- they have used place value sheets and number lines to help them. In RE we have looked at the different books of the Bible and the children have chosen their favourite book, explaining why? Again, it was amazing to hear that they have much knowledge about the books of the Bible. 

    11th October

    The children are busy writing up their formal mission logs about landing on the moon this week. They are also using their editing and improving skills. They have learnt about emotional regulation in PSHE and we are learning about the special book for the muslims in RE- the Quran. The children have some great PE skills whichy was shown this week in PE and enjoyed learning about Black History month. They are keen to write to the local MP next week as advocates for justice. Please can you ensure that the children are reading daily - many thanks for your support. Ms Lalsing 

    4th October

    The children have had an interesting week learning about the phases of the moon in science. We are in the analysis stage of our new writing unit which will be to write a formal mission log from an astronauts point of view. In history, we have learnt about the battle of Marathon and the children were really interested in finding the links between this battle and some words that we still use today. We have learnt a variety of strategies for adding and subtracting in maths and in PSHE, we have talked about healthy relationships. The children have enjoyed discussing what ingredients they would put into their own recipes for creating a healthy relationship. Please can I remind all parents that snacks brought into school should be healthy- no crisps, sweets or chocolates please. Many thanks, Ms Lalsing

    27th September

    The children have had a super week writing up their extended writing narratives on an exploration on Mars. We have looked at relative clauses and parenthesis. They have also built on their vocabulary in Guided reading and are very much excited about reading the next part of the book. We have learnt about Ancient Greek gods and goddesses and the children have been inquisitive regarding this topic, which was lovely to see. In RE, they have chosen their favourite book of the Bible and written about it. Homework has been sent home - thanks for your continued support. Ms Lalsing 

    20th September

    The children have had a super week this week writing their exploration narratives about landing on Mars. They have learnt a variety of grammatical structures including: dashes for parenthesis and noun phrases and are applying these to their writing. We have also been learning how to round numbers this week. The children have enjoyed exploring a big question and applying their mathematical knowledge to their learning. We have talked about conflict and resolutions in PSHE and as it is World Peace Day on Saturday, we have been reminded of  the story of how Jesus calmed the storm, discussing how we can apply Jesus' example in the mirrors of our own lives. The children have also done their own personal peace pledges for this. In Science, we have discussed how the Earth moves in space also. 

    13th September

    The year 5 children have had a busy week: we have been learning about Space exploration in English and the children are busy planning their own exploration narratives. We have learnt about speech punctuation in grammar and modal verbs. The children are enjoying the guided reading book and have learnt about Democracy in Ancient Greece, making comparisons between ancient times and modern times. We are learning about the Bible in Re and the children have chosen to write about their favourite book of the Bible. We have also been studying the heliocentric model of the Solar system in Science. 

    Please can I remind all parents that our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday so full kits need to be in. 

    Many thanks Ms Lalsing

    6th September

    Good morning Parents/Carers, 

    First of all, a big Welcome Back is extended to all of our children and parents! 

    This week, the children have settled well into year 5. They have been learning about Space exploration in English and we are reading the book ' Who let the God's out' as our Guided Reading book. The children have immersed themselves into our History topic on Ancient Greece and have also had a super time using mathematical equipment to help them to read and write big numbers. The children have enjoyed learning about God's big story and they have also created their own mini solar system which is ready to go up on display soon. 

    Ms Lalsing

    Previous Academic Year

    5th July

    This week Year 5 have visited the flashes for their Wakes Week trip. They explored Wigan's industrial past and how the use of canals has changed over time. Everyone enjoyed the trip and learned lots about our local history and geography. Year 5 have headed to Robin Wood this week for a fantastic three days of activities. Lots of amazing team-work, bravery to tackle daunting challenges and resilience has been shown. Those who did not go to Robin Wood have had lots of fun in school learning about Ugandan culture and completing their sponsored long jump. Well done, everyone!

    28th June

    This week Year 5 have been working hard on their assessments. Everyone has worked really hard and shown fantastic resilience in their efforts. Well done, Year 5. We have been busy preparing for next week where most of the class will be going on their class trip to Robin Wood and everyone will be taking part in the Wakes week trip to the flashes. This is a great opportunity to see some of our Geography and Science learning in a real life context outside of school. Some pupils will also take part in Uganda day which will involved sponsored activities and learning about Ugandan Culture. 

    21st June

    This week, Year 5 have been busy gathering facts and information to plan their balanced argument. This will be based on the idea of animals being kept in captivity: exploring the positives and the negatives for this argument. For this piece of writing, we have worked hard to focus on our levels of formality in our language -we've drafted sentences and ideas and edited and uplevelled them to achieve the correct level of formality to suit the piece.

    In Maths, we have finished our chapter on measurements and completed our chapter review. Next, we will be focussing on area and perimeter.

    In Science, we have been focussing on climate change - we've created a climate change glossary and will begin to use this vocabulary to create a fact file. As we completed two geography lesson this week, we were able to enjoy our Blessing reward on Wednesday afternoon, playing team games and enjoying the sunshine on the field. A super busy week in Year 5!

    14th June

    This week, Year 5 have started a new unit in English. We have been text marking and analysing the features of a Balanced Argument. We have been looking at reasons for and against animals being kept in captivity and structuring our ideas into sentences to form a balanced argument, with a focus on formal language and adverbials cohesion to link our ideas seamlessly In Maths, measurement is our focus this week.  We have been converting units of measurement for volume, mass and distance. 

    We have started to think about how canals were built in Geography and we are looking at global warming and how this can affect our planet I. science. 

    24th May

    This week Year 5 have finished their science and History units and have been working hard on their assessments. In English, we have started our dilemma narratives. These have been fantastic so far and I have been so impressed by some of the creativity the children have shown. In Maths, we have started a new unit on co-ordinates and we have started to translate shapes. In Art, the class have produced some amazing Picasso-style self portraits with Mr Croston. Another busy and productive week in Year 5!

    17th May

    This week, Year 5 have continued their work on geometry - we have focussed on angles and constructing them using a protractor. This has been tricky but the class have shown fantastic resilience with this and are making good progress with this. In English, we have started to look at the features of a dilemma narrative. We have examined the example text and discussed why particular features within that are effective. 

    In History, we're continuing our WWII topic and we have explored how the role of women changed in society from pre to post-war and beyond. We discussed why this shift happened.

    In Science, we have been looking at the stages of human development focussing on old age and how people might be affected by this. A very busy week with lots of fantastic learning!

    10th May

    This week Year 5 have been continuing with their WWII topic. We have been learning about how the war started and how the events of WWI led to the beginning of WWII. In Science, we have been learning about Animals, including humans and our focus this week was human development. We completed an investigation to see if there was a link between height and handspan. We wrote up our findings and found that handspan does increase in relation to height, but we also discussed how our sample could have limitations.

    In Maths, we have started measuring angles and in English we are continuing our work on King Kong, looking at dilemma narratives.  A very busy week for Y5!

    28th March 

    This week, Year 5 have been continuing their work on their narrative survival stories. We have worked hard to ensure all the elements of the grammar we have covered in this unit is in our final pieces and we have focussed a lot on proof-reading and editing. In Maths, we have continued our work on decimals - comparing and ordering them. We have used the concrete equipment to show the values within each place value column. As it is the final week before the Easter break, we have taken part in the school Easter competition. A huge congratulations to Izzie, Luke and Charlie who won the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes and a huge well done to everyone who entered. They were all so brilliant and unique in their own way and it was clear that lots of thought and effort had gone into them. Wishing all Y5 children and their families a happy and restful Easter break. 

    15th March

    This week, Year 5 have been continuing their work on adventure/survival narratives. We have written a paragraph about the dangers of the wild which we will use to inspire our narratives next week. We have also been planning our characters for our narratives. In Maths, we have continued our work on reading different types of tables and graphs. We have moved onto line graphs this week.

    In Geography, we are exploring the Geography of York and comparing moder-day York to York in the Viking times, which was known as ‘Jorvik’. We are exploring the geographical reasons why the Vikings might have found York a good place to invade and conquer.

    8th March

    This week, we have been working hard on our assessments and have shown lots of resilience when facing our tests. We have also had D&T week in the afternoons. For this, we have worked together in pairs and built Truss Bridges. We used a range of different materials on evaluated their effectiveness by using bean bags to test their ability to hold weight. Thursday was World Book Day. We started our morning with a 'name the book' quiz, looking at a snapshot of front covers from famous children's books.
    After this, we completed book reviews and wrote blurbs for our favourite books. We also discussed the characteristics and qualities of our favourite book characters and why we have chosen them. Then, we watched 'The Masked Reader'. We guessed the staff behind the masks and heard extracts from their favourite books. We had lots of fun and lots of fantastic costumes were worn on the day. A very busy and exciting week ibn Y5!

    16th February

    This week, year 5 have been finishing their writing unit on ‘The Promise’. We have been writing bargain letters based on our example text about the thief in the story. In Maths, we are continuing our work on fractions and have focussed on subtraction fractions and converting our answers into mixed numbers. We will round up our science and history lessons with assessments this week. In PE, we have finished our work on ball skills and had an endball tournament which was lots of fun. A very busy week again in Y5! 

    2nd February

    This week, we have continued our learning on fractions and we are beginning to add them looking at the same and different denominators. In English, we have been focussing on the skills of proof-reading and editing to create our final drafts of our character narratives. In Science this week we are carrying out an investigation to find the most effective thermal conductor. We are going to test materials and how effective they are at keeping water hot by tracking the temperatures using a thermometer to check at regular intervals. In History, we are continuing our work on the Vikings and checking how primary sources of evidence can change opinions.

    26th January

    This week we have been focussing on writing our stories in English, based on our vehicle text ‘The Promise’. We have been writing our own character narratives and thinking about how we can make the endings hopeful. In Maths, we have been focussing on fractions and looking at equivalent fractions. We have found this quite challenging at times but have shown lots of resilience when tackling it. In History, we have been learning about the Vikings invasion of York and how Britain changed under Danelaw. In Science we will be completing an investigation to find the best thermal conductors by measuring the temperature of hot water in cups over a period of time. A very busy and productive week in Year 5!

    19th January

    We have had a great week looking at adventure stories in our English and reading lessons. In English, we have read our new book, Arthur and the Golden Rope' and tried to practice our skills to write character and settings descriptions. In our reading lesson we've looked at some more extracts from the classic 'Beowulf', describing how Beowulf was brave but also foolish in his attempt to stop Grendel and his mother! In Maths, we have been learning about multiplying in tens, multiplying three numbers and multiplying two-digit numbers without renaming. We have also started our new History topic where we will be learning about the Anglo-Saxons and the ship they have found at Sutton Hoo. In RE, we have been interpreting the story of how Jesus walked on water and in art we painted a 3D still life object.

    22nd December

    This week in year 5, we have had lots of festive fun! We watched a production of ‘Sleeping Beauty’ by a theatre company which was lots of fun and everyone enjoyed it. We have had a board game morning and our Christmas parties too which included lots of games and dancing.

    In English, we have been writing our letters in the role of the father from the book FArTHER. We have used lots of formal language and ensured our letters have been structured carefully. With Mr Croston, we did a Christmas quiz with our friends which was lots of fun.

    A very busy and festive week! Wish all Year 5 families a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

    15th December

    This week, Year 5 have been preparing to write a formal letter in English in the role of the father from our book “FArTHER”. The class have got stuck into the activities and have been using some fantastic vocabulary. 

    In maths, we have been working on word problems. Some of this have been a little tricky but Y5 have shown lots of resilience in their approach. 

    In science we completed our assessment on Earth, Sun and Moon. We took part in a solar festive workshop where we made planets which was lots of fun. 

    We watched a fantastic pantomime of ‘Sleeping Beauty’ in school this week - we had so much fun! Another fantastic week in Y5. 

    1st December

    This week we have been working hard on our assessments - everyone has shown lots of resilience and hard work. 

    We are also beginning our Bookvent (Advent) this week - we are looking forward to sharing our favourite books with each other and hopefully inspiring each other to try new books we may not have considered reading. 

    17th November

    This week in Year 5, we started off with a 30 day kindness challenge assembly lead by John Magee. Every day this week we are watching kindness tips and thinking about how we can carry these through into our every day life. We made kindness boomerangs because ‘what you do, comes back to you’. In our learning, we have been continuing our work on Farther. We have been unpicking the text to see how the language and punctuation choices enhance the meaning and the effect on the reader. In Maths, we have been multiplying numbers and have moved onto multiplying two 2 digit numbers. We have used lots of strategies including mental partitioning, the expanded formal method and the short formal method. In Science we are continuing our work on the solar system.

    10th November

    Year 5 have had a busy week. In English, we have started a new book called FArTHER. We are building up our skills to help us write a narrative with a focus on setting and creating atmosphere. This week we have learned about onomatopoeia. This is a language device where inanimate objects are describe as sounding alive and real, to create effect. We have been identifying examples of this.

    In Maths we are continuing to work on multiplication and have been using the long expanded column method for multiplication. In Science we have been looking at how the planets orbit the sun in our Solar system and in Geography we have been focussing on how the physical landscape affects where people settle in the country of Greece. Lots of brilliant learning this week!

    3rd November

    This week, Year 5 have been working on writing their formal mission logs for English. We have been focussing on including all of the skills from our sentence accuracy activities, such as modal verbs, relative clauses and brackets for parenthesis. We have also aimed to include lots of formal language to make sure our report is suitable for the audience/purpose. In Maths we have been extending our mathematical vocabulary learning the about square, cube, prime and composite numbers. In Science this week we will be beginning our work on Space and in Geography we will be beginning our work on the Geography of Greece. A very busy week for Year 5!

    20th October

    This week in Maths, we have moved onto multiplication and division. We have been exploring factors and multiples and looking at the difference between this. In English we have been beginning our writing on our Lunar Formal Mission logs. Some brilliant vocabulary and formal language has been used. In History and Science we have completed our end of unit assessments ready for our new topics after half term. Have a wonderful half term break, Year 5.

    13th October

    This week Year 5 have been building on their number and calculation work looking at different methods to carry out addition and subtraction calculations. In English, we have been looking at formal and informal language to help us prepare to write a mission log about a moon expedition. Our History lessons have been really interesting looking at the Ancient Greek gods and comparing Ancient Greek religion to Christianity. A brilliant week had by all – with lots of great work produced. Well done, everyone!

    6th October

    Year 5 have been working hard on our next phase in Maths by using our rounding skills to help us estimate the answers to larger calculations. We have then been using column addition to add and check our answers. In English we have started work on preparing to write a formal mission log about a space expedition. We are working in the immerse phase and this has taught us lots of new space and geological vocabulary. In History, we are continuing our work on the Ancient Greeks with a focus on comparing the differences between Athens and Sparta. A very busy week in Year 5! ðŸ˜Š

    29th September

    This week, we have been busy completing our exploration narratives in our English work. We have thought carefully about the vocabulary and the grammar features needed to enhance our writing. In Maths, we have been finishing our work on place value and will complete our chapter review.

    In History, we are learning about the different types of Greek government and in Science, we have been investigating different types of parachutes. A very busy week!

    22nd September 

    This week in Year 5 we have continued to work on Place value – exploring number patterns and comparing numbers up to 6 digits. We have been using real life contexts to do this and using the number cards to help us learn collaboratively. In English, we have been analysing an exploration text which is helping us to prepare to write our own space story in our writing next week. We have been using some ambitious vocabulary choices in our writing to prepare for this. In History, we have been looking at how artefacts help us to learn about the past and in Science we are planning an investigation to learn about air resistance. We are going to make parachutes next week to test our theories. A very busy week in Y5!

    15th September

    This week we have started our work on “When we Walked Upon The Moon” by David Long. Year 5 have found this book really interesting, and we have focussed all of our writing efforts into writing a character reaction to landing on the moon. Some fabulous pieces of writing with excellent vocabulary were produced. 

    In Maths, we have been working hard on our place value, focussing on partitioning and comparing 6 and 7 digit numbers. A great second week! 

    8th September

    This week we have focused on our new routines and recapping our learning in flashback week. We have been looking a place value and geometry in maths. In English we we have learned about Philippe Petit, the tight rope walker who walked between the two buildings in New York. We wrote letters of advice to him using modal verbs. A super first week settling into our new class – well done, Year 5!